Tuesday, March 13, 2012

pictures from the park and my goal as a 14 year old

This is my 3rd post today! I hope that this enthusiasm keeps on going strong....sadly I think it might fade...
Anyway I have (my mom has) come up with some sorta goal that i should do. For every day that I am 14 I will post a picture. Cool huh?! That means that today I have to post a picture for Saturday (my actual birthday) Sunday, Monday:




Moving on.....

We went to the park today after Abby came home. I took some pictures with my new camera:

Getting started

Hey Guys! I am going to post a slideshow that I made a while ago about our 1st year here in Colombia. As some of you already know my family and I live in Colombia (ya know the one in South America). We decided to come here with MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) We came for a 3 year term and we are on our 3rd year! We plan to move back to the USA sometime in June (13ish). Oh well, I hope you enjoy the slideshow. Please remember that this is NOT the best slideshow that I have put together and I know a lot more about iMovie now then I did when I made the thingy.

Enjoy the thingy!


Ok so this is my new blog. Everybody who is reading this or will read this has to agree to comment on everything that I wright or else I will go crazy waiting and waiting for comments. I should also warn you that you should be prepared for my ever lasting rambling with grammer and spelling mistakes. I can't promise long deep reflecionalalay paragraphs because thats not my stile. However,I can promise to post my random thoughts, photos, videos and occasional random poems. Everybody good? Great!
Lets get started :D